If your Marriage or De Facto relationship has broken down and there is property involved then these matters need to be settled within certain time limits. If you were married then you only have 12 months from the date of Divorce to institute Property Settlement proceedings. If you need to do Property Settlement outside of this time then you may still be given leave to by the Court, however a good reason for the delay must be provided. Many Property Settlement matters can be settled by negotiation between the Lawyers for the parties, or by Mediation. We would certainly do our utmost to settle the matter for you without having to go to the expense, and at time unpleasant process, of going to Court. Our Solicitors are skilled and experienced negotiators and we would seek to get the best possible financial result for you. If the matter cannot be settled through negotiation then it may proceed to the Courts where we will fight for you before a Judge. We understand that you may not have financial resources until the property settlement is finalised, so we offer our clients the option, in some circumstances, to pay upon final settlement of the matter. This will take the pressure off you and allow you to think about the more important problems in your life than Lawyers bills!
All of our advice is tailored to meet your personal situation and needs. Talk to one of our team today to find out how we can support you.